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Chairs free phpBB style

chairs.7z (272.1 Kb)

184 download(s)

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License: Other

There's no restrictions on use or editing all i'd ask is that the link and reference to my site in the footer remains, cheers!

Designed by: Jasidog

App: phpBB (phpBB 2.x)

Encrypted: no

Assets: PSD

W3C Markup: HTML 4.01 Transitional


Validation: Valid CSS

Columns: 1 Column

Layout: CSS

Width: Fluid Width

Chairs phpBB Style Details

Features: Forum

Tags: Abstract

Chairs is a silver/grey 100% tableless free phpBB style. Language files should be available at soon.

Chairs Template [v1.1] for phpbb 2.0.11

2nd release version - 21st Novemeber, 2004 (Updated for phpbb 2.0.11)


First release - 11th march 2004. Nothing to say bout that.
Second release - 21th November 2004. Updated for phpbb 2.0.11. Error in overall_header.tpl fixed [Missing closing HEAD tag and opening BODY tag :o] Replaced admin/board_config_body.tpl, in order to work with phpbb 2.0.11

General info worth reading:

There's a few important things to note about this template, it is i believe, completely table free. However This does not mean it was made with things like accessability or web standards particulary in mind. Though with a bit of luck it may well be a tad more accessable though i have my doubts about that. So why did i make it table-less? I wish i knew because it could have been made in half the time otherwise. All the tpl fles needed the html completely rewritten. Though actualy if it were not for Internet Explorer it could have been made really quite rapidly. Which as it happens is an important point, it's only been tested in the latest versions of IE Opera and Geko (mozilla etc)engined browsers. It could prove very buggy outwith those. In fact despite making numerous comprimises and changes to my origional intentions just to make it more IE friendly it still looks better in Opera, Mozilla, Firebird etc. than it does in IE. This is particulary noticable in places like the user profile and a few other places. Still it is servacable in IE but the differances may put people off. Indeed maybe it's not cut out for a default skin for anyone. It could certainly do with more work but i'm sick of doing work on it so.. but any major bugs give me a shout.

There's no restrictions on use or editing all i'd ask is that the link and referance to my site in the footer remains, cheers!

I'm assuming you know how to install a skin ;)

Making your own header:

Included in the is a folder "readme and logoPSD ", its self inside the main chairs folder. Evidently you found it or you couldn't be reading this. :-D

So along side this readme file you should have found a zipped PSD of the logo to make your own with. If you don't have Photoshop get in touch and i can make you blank image or fireworks file.


No thanks to Internet Explorer you huge pain in the arse but much doffing of caps to Mozilla Firefox. Oh and of course thanks to phpbb!

If you have problems or need a bit of help:

You can ask at the jasidog templates subforum (you'll need to register to post). Hope you enjoy the template! :)


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