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How To Customize Facebook Profile

Facebook Customize Profile Picket Well, well. It looks like Facebook just got a chin tuck! The website was recently reworked to make the user interface better. Does this mean we can finally customize / customise our Facebook profile pages?... Nope. Is it time to get out the BOTOX? Well, there is more than one way to skin a Facebook.

Keep reading to find out how to customise your Facebook profile.

Snip snip, nip and tuck. How does the new Facebook look after a little liposuction? To be honest, if you asked me what is new about the redesign I couldn't tell you. Maybe I don't spend enough time on Facebook to notice the new layout. Or maybe it is because everything still shows up as a bland page of flat blue, white and grey rectangles. I'm all for simplicity and eliminating bloated code. The current layout is just fine for the greater Facebook website. However, the very name "Facebook" implies personality, and there is nothing personal about the layout / design of the profile pages. What is needed is a way to customize the profile page elements with CSS.

Now here's an exciting idea! How about specially designed 3D glasses for use while poking your friends and whatever else goes on while traipsing around Facebook? Facebook wouldn't even have to hire a web developer to implement CSS customizations on the profile pages!

  • SuperPoke! your friends... in 3D!!!
  • Bite your friend's neck... in 3D!!!
  • Catapult a giant boulder at your friend's Watchtower... in 3D!!!
  • Flaunt your Dope Wars bling... in 3D!!

* 3D glasses sold separately. Please contact the makers of Superpoke!, Vampires, Knighthood and Dope Wars to ensure compatibilty.

Okay, seeing the blue and grey rectangles in 3D probably wouldn't make the layout anymore exciting. Let's forget about the 3D glasses and move on to why Facebook should allow us to customize our profile pages.

What makes a face a face? Obviously, the visual appearance of a face is the most important aspect. Everyone has a unique looking face. You can immediately recognize somebody by the appearance of their face. A person's face can be the most important factor in a first impression. Furthermore, we can often intuit a person's emotional state or intentions by looking at their face. A great deal of our uniqueness and ability for expression as human beings is due to the face.

In Facebook, the layout on everyone's personal profile page looks the same. That's ninety million plus profile pages that look exactly the same. Boring!

So then, how exactly can we customize the profile layout in Facebook? Sign the petition! The official petition to allow profile customization has been created. If you want to make your profile page unique, join the group. When you join the group, it acts as a signature letting Facebook know that you want to make your profile page unique. After enough people have joined, Facebook will have no choice but to take notice of the petition and act accordingly. So, what are you waiting for?

P.S. There is another way to customize the layout on your FaceBook profile. It involves a roll of wrapping paper, a pair of scissors and Elmer's glue. This method is currently in beta and it is advised that you sign the petition instead.


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