Date added: 2010-01-19 | Hits: 136 | Rating:
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JungleJar Author's Website XHTML Strict Valid CSS WordPress 2 Themes 3 Columns Fixed Width CSS-Based Layout This free wordpress theme features a sleek design and as a bonus we have also included the psd files for all the images used in the template.Features of this free Wordpress Template:1. XHTML 1.0 Strict and has successfully performed a formal validation via the W3C Validation Service which can be found at This Wordpress Template has successfully performed a formal validation check for CSS Level 2.1 which can be found at Template takes full advantage of new template tags available in the newest version of Wordpress.4. Nicely styled comments system.5. Page links are automatically added to the navigation bar in the header to make your life a bit easier. Just create the page, and it will be visible to your visitors instantly.6. Gravatar supported comments.7. Nicely integrated for Twitter users and the template displays your last 5 tweets in the right sidebar without the use of any plugins.8. Cross web browser compatible.9. Associated Photoshop .PSD files included.