Free Website Templates

I Listen

Date added: 2009-12-05 | Hits: 627 | Rating: 10(1)
Downloaded: 210 times
License: GNU/GPL
Added by: cmba138G
Author's Website Author's Demo WordPress 2 Themes 3 Columns Fixed Width CSS-Based Layout

* highly functional theme, with very little to set up, yet letting the user organize his content in different sections by the means of custom fields
* 3 layouts available throughout the theme’s pages: a tube like layout on the homepage, magazine style in the archive and search pages, and clean, wide blog pages on the single posts
* logo image vs. text title in the header
* if selected, the text title has a similar look to the logo image, having the first letter colored differently
* featured gallery (built in) versus featured video: the user can chose one of these 2 in the options page
* the home page has 2 sections: featured posts (their number can be set in the options page) and recent posts (without duplicating the already featured ones)
* automated thumbnails: the theme grabs the first image uploaded to a post and converts it to a thumbnail for the post excerpts. If no image was uploaded, it serves a predefined fallback image.
* automated post excerpts
* smart titles shortening
* twitter widget
* social networking widget
* newsletter
* ads ready
* “smooth scroll” to the top of the page button, always visible
* comments separated from trackbacks and pings
* rss ready, widget ready, gravatar ready
* crossbrowser compatible (tested in Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, IE)
* working with the newly released version of WP (286) and lower
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