Date added: 2009-06-02 | Hits: 86 | Rating:
Added by:
* 4 color schemes
* Flexible Control Panel (Theme Options Page), that allows to set up theme settings from the Administration Panel of your WordPress
* Sidebar position settings in theme options page
* Two widgetized sidebars.
* Welcome text on homepage can be easily set up at theme administration panel.
* 125?125 px Banner block. (You just need to add banner HTML code at theme administration panel) rotating Javascript effect on the homepage. You can add any pictures you like (Picture size should be 510?190 px.). Pictures should be placed into a separate folder (/rotate_images)
* Sticky posts "carouselle" on homepage. Just mark necessary posts as sticky ("Make this post sticky" in your Wordpress admin)
* Valid XHTML (verified by
* Page navigation plugin supported (wp-pagenavi)