WIDTH: Fixed
COMPLIANCE: XHTML and CSS validation
This is my second WordPress theme named YWWONG Flexible Ver1.0 - in 2 Columns. I tested it in WordPress Ver 2.0 and WordPress Ver2.1 and it work fine.
I designed this theme based on the “default WordPress theme” + “aYWWONGVer1.1 theme”.
Why called YWWONG Flexible theme? Because I try to make it as flexible as possible. Flexible in term of what? In term of theme layout design. This ‘Flexible’ theme allows you to customize your theme layout without any programming knowledge required.
It allows you:
- Use left sidebar or right sidebar
- Change your header image
- Change your background image
- Change your left sidebar background image, if you are using left sidebar
- Change your right sidebar background image, if you are using right sidebar
- Change your footer background image