Free Website Templates


Date added: 2007-07-21 | Hits: 298 | Rating: 0(0)
Downloaded: 17 times
License: Other License (Included in Download)
Added by: Philip
Author's Website Valid CSS WordPress 2 Themes 2 Columns Fixed Width CSS-Based Layout
This theme by Philip Tiangson is one for the girls; it's the new butterfly theme. With the focus on butterflies which appear in the header over a sky blue background, giving the effect of them in the sky. This theme has a pink background which sets the content area off as the white stands out so well. Again with all his themes it's xhtml and css valid so you don't have to worry about the search engine optimization side of things once you are using this theme.

One of the best features of this theme in my opinion is the pictures used for the date of each post. It's a simple pink square box with a darker pink butterfly on top with the date in white which keeps the theme going on the butterfly subject.

It uses a 2 column layout with the navigation being on the left hand side and the content on the right.

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