Free Website Templates

World of Warcraft Theme

Date added: 2008-03-03 | Hits: 6497 | Rating: 2(1)
Downloaded: 1210 times
License: GNU/GPL
Added by: John
Author's Website Author's Demo Valid CSS WordPress 2 Themes 3 Columns Fixed Width CSS-Based Layout
A great free world of warcraft theme for those who want to start a blog or fan site about the greatest RPG game on the internet.
Comments / Reviews:
Gold Seller links encoded in footer
on March 20, 2008
PLEASE NOTE! This template has gold seller and account seller links encoded in base64 in the footer. (footer.php)

I do not know PHP well enough to have gone through the other code to see if there is any other naughtiness going on with this template.

Buyer beware!
on March 20, 2008
The author of this wordpress theme released it GNU/GPL. So, if you can figure out how to get rid of the links, you can remove them without violating the licensing agreement :)
on March 20, 2008
Yep... once you unzip the file, there's a file called "footer.php." There is only one very long line of code in there that begins like this

ce the author of this template went through the trouble to obfuscate his gold selling links in base64 code, I'm a little hesitant to use it until someone more knowledgeable than me goes through it with a fine tooth comb.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid. ;-)
on June 21, 2008
If you find a template that you like, you can sub out that footer.php file for the base 64 one. When you do though, you will have to edit so that the copyright info is back on it. Once you open one that isn't encoded, you will see that it is easy.
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