Free Website Templates


Date added: 2006-06-06 | Hits: 1560 | Rating: 10(3)
Downloaded: 578 times
License: Unknown
Added by: Themebot
Valid CSS SMF 1 Themes 1 Column Fluid Width Table-Based Layout

Name: Spikey
Date Created: 05 June 2006

Extra: More Information

I've been working on this all of today, so I hope it will get a few good comments. The header took most of the time, as the colours could just be done using CSS, which I am growing more fond of (At the start I really hated CSS..... long story)

I know the buttons are the exact same as the default template, but if you want nicer ones, do it yourself. There are far too many of them to do manually and I simply don't have the energy to do it. If someone wants to create some for this template, please post in here and I will give you credit on the template.

I hope you all like this template and of course feel free to use it on any of your websites. You can use any of the graphics I have made for the template and the style and theme for other templates but please let me know before you publish it. There aren't any really strict copyrights on this but please be curtious if you use it and give me a little credit.

Click here for more information

06 June 2006 - The headers buttons and menu buttons did not work properly on FireFox so I had to adjust some of the code.
09 June 2006 - I have included a set of buttons so they look well with the theme, and not just the default ones


Comments / Reviews:
by PaulGH
on May 1, 2008
I love this theme, I've done some browsing through hundreds and this was the one for me, I've implemented it on my forum and am adapting some of the graphics for the front end website, I've modified some minor bits here and there, but overall I love it.

Your Website seems to have expired, I would rather have posted a thanks direct to you, but this will have to do.
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