Date added: 2009-11-12 | Hits: 2037 | Rating:
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TeresaDesign Layout
*3 column
* Modul position : Content 1, content 2, content 3, content 4, content 5, -
top menu, raw, cpanel, tpanel, header, header 1, user 1, user 2, user 3, -
user 4, user 5, user 6, slide 1, slide 2, slide 3, slide 4, slide 5, gallery, ad -
vert, advert 1, advert 2, advert 3, advert 4, footer, footer 1 and debug
- Other feature
* Menu text customizable
* 3 menu style : Suckerfish, mootools - fade and mootols - scroll
* 8 page tools : Show all, show the color, show page size, show font size, -
show the color and size of the page, show the color anf font size, show -
the page size and font size and hide all
* 5 page color style : Red, blue, green, grey and multi
* 3 page size : 1280 px, 1152 px and 1024 px
* 3 font size : 9 px, 11 px and 13 px
* Switch button on Frontend for change page color