Free Website Templates

I See New People

Date added: 2006-01-31 | Hits: 251 | Rating: 0(0)
Downloaded: 87 times
License: Unknown
Added by: Themebot
XHTML Strict Valid CSS HTML Templates 1 Column Fixed Width CSS-Based Layout

Meet JM from I See You - Designs

Hi! I'm new to this website, so let me introduce myself: I'm Jochum Meester and I'm 20 years old. I live near the city of Heerenveen, that's in the north of the Netherlands. I first read about CSS and XHTML in the last few months of 2005, and at that time I also started visiting open source webdesign sites like this one. I just love some of the designs on here, and I'd be proud to be a part of the group.

But to be part of the group, one should upload his or her own templates. I've been working on a design for a few weeks now (yes, a few weeks...) and everytime I was working on something it didn't turn out the way I wanted. I'm still not that good with Photoshop (still use Paintshop Pro at the moment) but I will eventually create those gradient backgrounds that I often see on here, haha. Eventually...

So here it is then!

My first design for you to use

Yup, here it is. I had to give back to the community someday. So I just took a design from one of my favourite designers, JayKay. MiniBlog was the one, because it was not a hard template to work with in my opinion. I stripped it, then re-build it again and this is the result. If you know what MiniBlog looks like, then you'll see that I removed the sidebar. My intension was to keep it in, but I figured I should start with a simple template first. I hope I'll soon be able to create some more professional designs. If any of you has any tips for me, please contact me.

I have a portfolio site, Some of my websites have not been made up in XHTML and/or CSS because I have only been using those for a short period of time now.

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