Free Website Templates


Date added: 2006-03-20 | Hits: 457 | Rating: 0(0)
Downloaded: 157 times
License: Unknown
Added by: Themebot
XHTML Strict Valid CSS HTML Templates 2 Columns Fixed Width CSS-Based Layout

Hi, Thanks for your interest in this web template. This is my second design as open web template. I am from Bangalore [India] and by profession I am a developer and have great interest in web design. I have learned a lot about web design HTML and CSS form OSWD and OWD and I am great full these two great sites for doing such a noble job. The tools that were used to do the template are GIMP, HTML-Kit, Pixie and Color Schemer Studio.

This is a simple template with two columns and one header, a menu and contents with two images, it also has a text based shadow effect (which behaves undesirably for different text size) which provides some extra attraction for the header. The header image, rounded corners were created using GIMP, the best free image manipulation program. This template uses very limited images, a main header image and other set (4) for rounded corners which can be removed with no affect to basic functionality and appearance, in fact it transforms into a new template without the images. The side column can be used add favorite links, Google ads etc. I have tested this template in Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5, Netscape 8.0.4 and IE 6.0 and it works fine in all these browsers. This is a valid XHTML and CSS and it is also very easy to customize. You can use this template with no restrictions, a simple notification email to either OSWD or OWD would be encouraging. Thank you very much for your support.

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