Free Website Templates


Date added: 2006-11-25 | Hits: 852 | Rating: 0(0)
Downloaded: 274 times
License: Unknown
Added by: Themebot
Valid CSS HTML Templates 3 Columns Fluid Width Table-Based Layout
this is design was not fun to make  It took a while and was a bit frustrating but it looks presentable now so here you go (: The majority of this design relies on CSS. So for most colors, fonts and sizes you want to alter you'll need to look at the style.css file. Also note the use of <div> and <span> tags in the source code. If the source isn't enough to help you understand how and when to use them then code your own design :b Feel free to use/modify/mangle this design as you see fit. If you want to credit me with the design than leave the link at the bottom of the page. If you go around pretending that you designed this page than go ahead just don't let me find out >:D In case of emergency or any other worthy reason you are free to contact me ( I'll usually help you if you have a simple question or even a serious problem. I never checked to see what this looks like in browsers other than IE 5.5 because no one uses Netscape and Mozilla is garbage :b
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