Free Website Templates

a bit modern avfix

Date added: 2005-10-06 | Hits: 454 | Rating: 0(0)
Downloaded: 126 times
License: Unknown
Added by: Themebot
XHTML Transitional Valid CSS HTML Templates 2 Columns Fixed Width Table-Based Layout

This design I tried to make very minimalistic, yet I wanted it to have some advanced design features, so there you go: Advanced CSS navigation, a sophisticated yet beautiful layout, a pleasing color scheme, and all without a single table. This design is created with standards-compliant XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS. The images you find on this page are either created by me or taken from the stock xchng. The navigation is inspired by Torchbox, and the site that first opened me up to the low-sat brown color scheme was Design tested in Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 1, Opera 8, and K-Meleon 0.9. You can use this template with no restrictions: sell it, reskin & resubmit it, claim it as your own, etc. Feel free to contact me at bcherny at gmail dot com with any questions or comments.

My name is Boris Cherny and I'm a freelance web designer, as well as a huge fan of the open-source design community. I've submitted many designs to, and I believe that each design I submit is better than the last. I constantly reform my style, and learn to be a better coder through experience and inspiration.

After a few complaints and many bugs, here is version 2 of A Bit Modern. Updates include:

  • Menu Items can now be added or removed without damaging the layout
  • The footer no longer appears in the center of the screen in Firefox
  • There is a login area in the left column
  • I added comments to the code for the sake of readability and useability
  • All images are now preloaded, using CSS and NO Javascript

I really want to thank Andreas, NickyD, ditchCrawler, TomW, whowrotewhat, hash bar, Sanden Cottongame, Nish Vamadevan, and Astor, they're the ones who pointed out bugs and helped me fix them :). I'd like to give a bit more credit to Andreas for allowing me to pester him with coding questions, and for answering all those questions with knowledge and expertise.

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