Free Website Templates


Date added: 2005-09-13 | Hits: 344 | Rating: 10(1)
Downloaded: 123 times
License: Unknown
Added by: Themebot
XHTML Strict Valid CSS HTML Templates 1 Column Fixed Width CSS-Based Layout

Welcome to refreshed!

I thought its been a while since I've submitted anything to oswd, so here it is. This is a very simple layout, with minimal coding and a clean look. Aside from the header image, everything should load in under a second or two even on dialup.

I'm using the rounded corner method found here, and the header image is based on this Stock.Exchange image. (No use restrictions! Yea!)


As always, if you use this design, no credit is required. But, if you'd like to, I always appreciate a link back to my blog or something. Feel free to use this design for whatever you want, commercial, personaly, I don't care. I would like an email to see how you use it though.


This design renders perfectly in Firefox, IE, and Opera. With the exception of IE, in that the design isn't centered, its still displays fine otherwise, but.... I'm working on this. FIXED! Major kudos to Frozen. This page is 100% valid XHTML Strict, and CSS.


Instead of creating a million sub-layouts, I'm going to leave this up to you.. but while designing I found a couple of things you might like to change:

  • Instead of left, you might try text-align:center on the nav. It looks cool, I'm keeping it on the left now because I think it ballances out the header text on the right.
  • For the nav links, I've used a slightly off-white color. You might try replacing this with white, or any other light-ish color. I had a dark green orginally, but that is hard(ish) to read on some monitors.
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