Free Website Templates

Raptor Software

Date added: 2006-03-07 | Hits: 504 | Rating: 0(0)
Downloaded: 136 times
License: Unknown
Added by: Themebot
XHTML Transitional Valid CSS HTML Templates 1 Column Fixed Width CSS-Based Layout

An Old Project

This template has been in the works for quite a while now. I was originally inspired by Mozilla's website, and just added my own touch to it. My favorite aspect is that the rounded corners of the two upper boxes are done entirely in CSS. The only images are those two stupid cups. Everything is valid XHTML, blah blah blah.

Why The Name Raptor?

Well, as a kid my favorite movie was Jurassic Park. It scared the crap out of me, but also inspired me. I loved and hated those raptors. They were sneaky and clever little bastards. Anyways, the color scheme obviously has nothing to do with that; I just like green. Speaking of which, the colors can all be change easily, since I didn't use images for the design.

About That Customization

So with no images, you can do whatever you want with this template. Think that these colors look like terrible? Change them! You don't like the menu? Find a different one! Really, this is the beauty of the whole template. I have included a green version of this template. I hope that someone out there finds a use for it. And just as with my other templates, I don't require you to leave my link, but I just ask that you let me know what your website address will be. Thanks!

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