Free Website Templates


Date added: 2006-11-25 | Hits: 1230 | Rating: 10(1)
Downloaded: 563 times
License: Unknown
Added by: Themebot
Valid CSS HTML Templates 2 Columns Fluid Width CSS-Based Layout


Welcome to Pearl, my latest creation. This is my second design submitted to OSWD, and is a huge improvement on Simplexed, the first one. Pearl is geared towards a buisness-type design, but dont let that discourage you from using it as a home page or blog-ish website. The look I was going for here is professional and clean, some grey, with teal highlights to add colour and visual apeal. I have also included a print media stylesheet for black and white printing. Just press print preview in the browser to see this effect.


Pearl has been tested, and renders well in both Internet Explorer 5+ and Firefox. The main content automatically expands or contracts in different screen resolutions to eliminate horizontal scroll bars or blank white spaces. Pearl uses a table-less Css based design, coupled with Xhtml Transitional for a flexible and easy to manipulate design. All valid of course.

User Notice

If you decide to download this template, feel free to change colors, spacing etc, or you could just rip it apart if you want to. If you build a website with Pearl, It would be nice to hear about it via email, but don't feel that this is mandatory by any means. I do request that you keep my name somewhere on the design, whether it be at the bottom of the footer, or simply as a comment in the HTML. You're getting a design like this for free, so its not a lot to ask.

Comments / Reviews:
by ANuj
on January 5, 2009
This Template is good
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