Free Website Templates

Mint Chocolate Chip

Date added: 2006-03-30 | Hits: 609 | Rating: 10(2)
Downloaded: 131 times
License: Unknown
Added by: Themebot
XHTML Transitional Valid CSS HTML Templates 2 Columns Fixed Width CSS-Based Layout

Welcome To MCC

Welcome to Mint Chocolate Chip, named after my girlfriend's favorite ice cream. It is a clean, tableless, minty design. I stumbled upon this color scheme by accident, but I am happy I did. The design was coded completely in Notepad, my favorite HTML editor.

Some Details...

It is actually a very lightweight design, weighing less than 50KB, and only using four images (including the header and the photo). The menu is built with 100% CSS, no images.

The layout is valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. I have tested it in IE 6 and Firefox, it looks good in both. I haven't tested it in Opera or Safari, just let me know if it is breaking in any browsers and I will try to fix it up.

The font used in the header is Ghostwriter. The photo above added some much needed character to the design. It can be found over at stock.xchnge, and has no usage restrictions.

Design Usage

Feel free to use this design wherever, whenever, and however you wish. The only thing I ask of you is to leave the "design by andrewstrojny" link in the footer. If you would like to remove that line, or if you would like professional help with anything related to this design (such as custom design or branding) please drop me an e-mail or just head over to my website.

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