Fluid is a dynamic theme that utilises the themesettings api module to provide a user interface to:
- Specify Margin and padding
- Add Border wrapping elements (top left, top, top right, left, inner, right, bottom left, bottom and bottom right) with css generated to position and tile background images
- Set Color of:
- Background (Left/Right columns have only background colors)
- Content background on blocks
- Text
- Link & link hover
- Headings
using the color picker
Margin/Padding/Borders/Color available on each of the following elements:
- Body
- Page (header, column and footer container)
- Page header
- Page body (column container)
- Columns (Left, content, right)
- Blocks
- Page footer
In addition:
- Content and block titles may be rendered both inside and out of borders
- Page width may be fixed or variable
- Adjustible column width and position (both left, right or either side)
- Generated style may be included directly in the header or in a stylesheet
- Firebug lite may be embedded into pages