Date added: 2007-09-25 | Hits: 4037 | Rating:
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Themebot XHTML Strict Valid CSS Drupal 5 Themes 3 Columns Fluid Width CSS-Based Layout
Deco is a core theme developed for the Google Summer of Code 2007. The original project proposal is available on the Google Code website.
Besides aiming to fully theme Drupal and its core modules it offers advanced layout options based on regions:
* Single sidebar layout: left or right sidebar.
* Double sidebar layout: left and right sidebar.
* Double right sidebar layout: small secondary right sidebar and bigger normal right sidebar.
* Triple column layout: when all three sidebars are used they will be rendered as three equal columns with the content beneath it.
* Featured region: A region between header and content for the mission and/or featured content.
* Bottom content: A region between the content and the footer for featured content and/or a site map.
This theme will also try to support color.module, though right now color.module support is put on hold.