This is a center aligned, fixed width, CSS-based (no tables), two-column layout, theme. The Sky theme supports either a right or left sidebar.
Feature Summary:
- Page titles load at the top of each page
- Content loads before sidebar whether you choose a left or right sidebar
- Node content styles have been added for <cite>,<blockquote>, <acronym>, <abbr>, <ul>, <ol> and <dl> tags
- <h1> is only used for page titles, <h2> is used for teaser titles. Block and comment headings use <span>
- Extra content regions at the top and bottom of main content
- Extra footer content region to separate footer message from any footer content you may want to display
New Features in Sky 5.3
- Poll support
- Advanced Forum support - Advanced Forum module required for forum styles as shown in demo
To view the new features visit the Sky theme demo site: