The Bluefire theme is a one or two column fixed width table-less design. Bluefire incorporates css sprites for instant and seamless background image changes. Bluefire is fully XHTML compliant.
The Bluefire theme is currently only supported for Drupal 5.x, however we will be releasing a version for 6.x as soon as we have the time to make the appropriate changes.
The Bluefire theme is meant to be angular and cool with bold lines and sharp edges. Bluefire is aggressively designed and is best used with sites that will not have a great deal of content imagery (such as blogs etc...)
If you like this theme and wish to use it, please make a donation to us to help support our efforts. Please use PayPal and send your donations to deeporange1(at)hotmail(dot)com. We appreciate your support!
If you have any comments or suggestions please send them to feedback(at)collectivecolors(dot)com