Free Website Templates

No Koala!

Date added: 2006-11-11 | Hits: 625 | Rating: 0(0)
Downloaded: 109 times
License: Unknown
Added by: Themebot
Author's Website XHTML Strict Valid CSS Drupal 4.7 Themes 1 Column Fixed Width CSS-Based Layout

No Koala! Drupal theme by Ross Kendall -

The No Koala! theme is a simple but elegant single-column phptemplate theme for the Drupal content management system. It's goal is to focus on accessibility and usability, and should be suitable for a blog or other simple websites.

The theme uses XHTML and CSS, and incorporates a CSS dropdown menu that is designed to be integrated with the Drupal menu system.

Tested with Drupal 4.7.4


Install in the same way as any other Drupal theme, uncompress the .tar.gz file into the themes folder, and then enable the theme in the Drupal administration.

Since the theme uses custom block regions, you will need to configure the blocks appropriately.

The 'top menu' region is only intended for the Primary Links menu. In order for the CSS dropdowns to work, you will need to ensure that the all of the items in the menu are expanded.

There is a 'sidebar left' region, however this is not intended to be visible to regular site visitors. I use it for the Drupal navigation menu when logged in as admin, and disable the recent posts item so that it is not visible to those not logged in.

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