The CivicSpace theme is designed to help community organizers quickly develop a new style and layout for their site. The CivicSpace theme has a pre-built selection of layouts, and styles so you can quickly create your custom theme.
- Layouts - pre-built layouts to let you start building your "skin" on top.
- Skins - your skins go on top of your layouts and provide the overall look of things.
- Admin Theme - Your admin section is themed to allow you to focus on administration when you are in your administration section.
- Context Sensitive Help - Navigation links in the administration theme allow you to directly go to a modules administration help page.
- CSS float - Advanced use of CSS that avoids fixed table designs to allow you theme to re-size to the browser.
The CivicSpace Theme Plan
We have a working plan where we, the community, can build on this theme and work toward new features, as well as fixing bugs. click here to view the plan
IRC Support
With this theme, you'll find others, like yourself, who are using this theme and can help answer questions as well as take feedback from you on how to make it better! Come join us on #cstheme on